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Price List

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1 Page

Basic color : 300 THB
Rough color : 400 THB
Full CG : 500 THB
(This is starting price, with possible additional costs depending on details.)

2 Page

Basic color : 600 THB
Rough color : 800 THB
Full CG : 1,000 THB
(This is starting price, with possible additional costs depending on details.)

Terms of service

• Terms of use •-’Employer’ in this agreement refers to the client or employer, and ‘Contractor’ refers to the artist :Pakjit-Contact and book a queue via contact channels allowed*; a coordination team will be available for the client throughout the work process instead of the contractor.-The work queue will be prioritized based on the order of the contract agreement form submissions for Pakjit‘s Commission, which will be received after the client has paid the deposit.-Always credit the artist(pakjit incanus) when using work or tag Pakjit(FB page), @pakjit _ incanus(Twitter) ***-Employer allows Contractor to retain all artwork images for social media posting and future commission examples without requiring further permissions, (with the option for the employer to provide additional notification before finalizing the contract if needed)-The contractor's work in all phases may not be utilized by any party, including the employer, for AI-generated processes. ***-The employer is prohibited from selling the work at a price higher than agreed upon with the contractor.-The employer can always inquire and request updates on the work for reassurance.-The contractor is a part of BlueCheese Studio, and the work process may involve collaboration with the BlueCheese Studio team in some stages to create artwork on behalf of Pakjit.• How to book your queue •-Discuss your rough idea or send your brief to check the price before making a decision without expenses.-A deposit is needed for your booking after you have confirmation of your brief and deadline. (In case it’s not convenient to brief the details immediately, you can pay a deposit to reserve the queue in advance. We will inform you of the working period first, then adjust the deadline according to the date of the complete brief.)-In case you reserve the queue without briefing, No update within 2 weeks will be considered canceled and the deposit will be refunded in full.-If you agree to use our service, please fill out the contract form. We will send the contract form after the deposit payment is completed.-We will start working according to the queue and send updates to the employer to check the progress from time to time.-The working period is between 5-15 days per 1 piece depending on the details and corrections too.-We will send you a draft to check until it is passed. Then send the update again after coloring-Drafts can be edited for free 3 times. After coloring, you can ask for 2 free edits. More than this will be charged 50 baht each time. ***• Payment •-Accept Thai banking account, Promtpay, Truemoneywallet-You must pay a deposit of 50% after the briefing, and the balanced need to settle after the job is done.-For installment, it can be agreed upon according to the convenience of the employer.-You can notify us to postpone the payment date beforehand in case of emergency-We have the right to make a claim and inquire about payment if it exceeds the payment deadline agreed by both parties.• Cancellation •-If you decide to cancel, notify us before updating the first draft to receive a full refund of the deposit. ***-If the employer decides to cancel the job after the contractor has started working, as evidenced by updated drafts, the employer forfeits the deposit and the image rights remain with the contractor. ***-We will not accept cancellation after starting the coloring process. ***• Note •*** Indicates important information
*Allowed contact channels include:
1. E-mail : [email protected]
2. Facebook page : Pakjit
3. Facebook : Benjamaporn Saekow
4. Twitter : @mm _ momomemo (Momomemo🍑)